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If you aim to heat a building, create hot water or the two services, a water tube boiler may be the proper answer. We are Nobeth—boiler specialists, and we can teach you a thing or two about them! Today in this article, we will discuss the Nobeth үйлдвэрийн цахилгаан бойлер, their working and the uses of them. Let's use words that a 3rd grader would understand and examples that anyone can identify.


A water tube boiler is a type of heat generating device that utilizes water contained within tubes to generate heat, where the natural circulation of the water helps in the circulation of steam generated within those tubes. This heat can then be supplied to buildings or used to generate steam. Natural circulation and forced circulation are the two principal forms of water tube boilers.

How Water Tube Boilers differ from Fire Tube Boilers

A natural circulation boiler has a water inside its tubes that gets heated by a fire. When the water heats up, it naturally rises through the tubes as it is lighter than the surrounding cold water. The rising hot water vaporizes into steam and may be used as a heating medium or for other processes.


In a forced circulation boiler, methods change somewhat. Water is forced through the tubes using a pump. That means that the water travels quickly, so the Nobeth арилжааны уурын зуух is able to generate steam more easily. The two types of boiler are pretty effective but they operate a little differently.

Why choose Nobeth Water tube boiler?

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